If you receive the wrong item in your delivery, please follow these steps to resolve the issue:
Use your order confirmation email to verify the items you received are indeed a mistake.
Hold on to the original packaging and any labels or documentation that came with the order.
Head into Store: Please take the incorrect item along with your proof of purchase to your nearest DECJUBA store. Our in store teams will be happy to help sort things out for you and can assist you with the return and help you get the correct item.
Contact Customer Service: If visiting a store isn't an option, no worries! Just reach out to our Customer Service team. Make sure to include your order number, details of the incorrect or additional item, and any relevant photos.
They will guide you on the next steps, which may include returning the wrong item and receiving a replacement or refund.
Thank you for your understanding and patience. We're committed to resolving this issue promptly and ensuring you're happy with your DECJUBA purchase.